How to take care of your skin in winter
We all know that the winter isn’t any easier on our skin than summer. Winter cold and winds can really put our skin through a lot of wear and tear. How can we take care of our skin during the winter ensuring we nourish, moisturize and revitalize our skin?
I will share my routine with you and maybe that will give you some insight into what steps you would like to take to help take better care of your skin during the winter months. My skincare morning routine starts with my Dead Sea Collection Tea Tree & Hemp Serum. I use my roller to gently massage the serum into my face while stimulating the blood flow to my face. I chose this facial serum for its deeply moisturizing properties. I find my skin feels much drier during the winter months and so choosing something with high moisturizing ingredients such as rich minerals, hemp oil, and tea tree oil was important to me.
Once my skin has fully absorbed my serum I apply my Dead Sea Collection Tea Tree & Hemp day cream. When I am applying my day cream, I make sure not to forget my neck! This is so important, our neck gets as much sun and wind as our face, we must never forget to moisturize it. The final thing I do before putting on my makeup is use light sunscreen. The sun can be just as brutal in the winter as it can in the summer.
Next, I use Dead Sea Collection Body lotion before I get dressed for the day. I make sure to moisturize my body top to bottom including my hands and feet. Our hands are exposed all day to the weather changes and our feet are closed and suffocating in closed shoes all winter. We need to make sure to take care of them.
Once I get back home I will start by removing my makeup with a gentle face wash. Then I will let my skin breathe while I step in the shower and use my Dead Sea Collection Mineral Body wash and once I have toweled off I will use my Dead Sea Collection body oil. I will then go back to skincare by massaging in my facial serum. Once my serum has been absorbed by my skin I will follow up with Dead Sea Collection Retinol Night Cream making sure once again not to forget my neck. The reason I love using the retinol night cream is that it literally works restoring my skin while I sleep, with its anti-aging properties, it helps me fight the hands of time.
I would be happy to know what you guys do to take care of your skin from the winter.